Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Six Month Update

Wow! We cannot believe we’ve had our little rainbow for over 6 months now and that she will be 2 years old soon! Time has flown by, it seems like she has been in our lives forever.

We have gotten most of her results back with her medical testing. There is a lot she will be facing in her future as far as surgeries, on-going medication and physical challenges. Some of the news was difficult for us to hear. There have been many daily changes and challenges we have had to face, but all in all things could be so much worse. We just praise God for all the good news and positive outcomes.

The doctors are confident that she will begin walking soon. She just recently got legs braces to help her with her walking and is in physical therapy every other week. The boys just can’t get enough of their “little sissy”. They have embraced each other so well; the bonding has been so easy and natural on both ends. Jazlyn is still adjusting too many things and many people. We appreciate and want to thank everyone for being patient with her while she takes everything in and explores her new environment, in her time....THANK YOU!

Her sweet spirit and cuteness makes us all want to squeeze her and kiss her all over. Her spirit is what will get her through the challenges ahead, and most of all the love and support that she will get from all her family and friends. The same love and support that got her here all the way from China, will be the same love that will carry her through the future.

We got to celebrate her first Chinese New Year with her this year and had a blast! We decorated the house, had a chinese dinner, and put her in one of her beautiful dresses from China. We hope to continue this tradition and are excited  and look forward to celebrating her first “Adoption Day” in June.......

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