Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Adoption Day!!

Happy Adoption Day Jazlyn!!

We are so grateful and thankful that God has placed Jazlyn in our lives. It’s hard to think and we often do, where Jazlyn would be now if we never did follow God guidance and plan. Now, a year later we CAN’T imagine life without her. It is really neat for us to look back to when we first decided to adopt a special needs child. We had to fill out a checklist and discuss what medical conditions we felt we could handle...Spina Bifida was NOT checked on our list. God always has a plan greater than ours. He knows what we can handle and He always sees us through. We are very thankful for God’s guidance.

As we reflect on this day we also reflect on ALL the loved ones that poured into this adoption along side of us. Many of you filled bottles, prayed, raised money, cried happy tears with us, helped us through fears and lots of unknowns. We can’t thank you enough for all that was done, we really feel blessed. We can’t wait to tell Jazlyn about the stories and the support we received one day. 

Through this past year we have seen her grown and develop leaps and bounds! We have gotten to be by her side while she has experienced many obstacles, and new things....We have gotten to first witness her crawling and then her first steps, which has been a HUGE blessing that she is now walking, meet lots of loved ones, watch a wonderful bond with her brothers, play her favorite game...peek-a-boo!, go from hating a bath to loving it, bike ride, her first taste of ice cream, first swim, celebrate her 2nd birthday with her, her first words....”dog, dog, mommy, daddy”, overcome her fear of doctors....nursers....dogs, feeling grass for the first time, trying new foods, her first Christmas and Easter, her first ringling Circus, first hair cut, walking in the sand, playing in the ocean, and mostly see a her personality blossom from sad to...a smile to.......a laugh.......and then a very contagious belly laugh!

We ask that you please continue to pray for Jazlyn’s medical challenges in the future as she will have ups and downs to overcome. Throughout Jazlyn’s adoption her song has been, ”Somewhere Over The Rainbow”. Please join us in thinking of and praying for our little girl, the next time you see a rainbow in the sky. This would mean the world to us!

This adoption has once again taught us so much about our walk with God. We are excited to see what God has in store for our family in the future.

As we close on our blog we once again thank each of you for ALL the support, and prayers through this journey. We hope God will use this journey to impact lives to teach and bring awarness about adoption to others. Please feel free to share our blog and story with anyone that may be thinking or interested in adoption. Our hope, desire and prayer is that our story will help, inspire and lead others to Gods wonderful plan of adoption.....

We thank you for following us through this journey and for supporting God’s plan. We are forever grateful!!

Much Love,
Scott, Melissa and the kiddos

* Since we are on vacation during Jazlyn’s adoption day, we celebrated by taking her to the Babyland General Hospital in Atlanta, GA where she adopted her very first cabbage patch doll!!

Enjoy some pictures.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! She is the most precious child ever! These pictures are incredible. It made me tear up to see her pure joy in every picture. God certainly has big plans for you and her. I love all of them, but some of my favorites were her on Scotts back with her head on his head, the one of you and her close up of your beautiful faces, brylan and her making their face, and her in the wagon with her bday shirt on. She is such an amazing answer to prayers. I can't wait til she gets older and will hear her adoption story like Ian does. I think the pictures totally tell it all. There's a lot of love in your family. So sweet :) love you all, jena