Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today was another busy, busy but fun day site seeing. We got to see the Forbidden City which as amazingly huge and neat. (see pic with Scott and me) We also visited Tiananmen square, went to the silk factory, saw the process of how they make all their silk dresses, bedding, clothes, etc. and we were able to buy Jazlyn her firs Chinese dress. :) Next we went to see how pearls were made, did a lot of shopping there, but didn't buy any pearls. For lunch we ate at the Peking Duck which was very delicious and had such neat decor (see pic). Got to try duck - it was pretty good. Scott really like it. :)

Small world! - We got to meet a couple that is here on vacation with their 2 girls they adopted from China several years back. They went sight seeing with us today because they know "Uncle Zhou". We found out that they live right in Mason, OH - crazy stuff!

Tomorrow we have a 3 hour flight down to our daughters providence which is Nanning.j So we will be getting settled in there and meeting our new Guide (Belinder) She will be taking care of us while we are there. The other couples will go to their providence so we will be apart from them for a few days. :( We are getting closer and closer everyday. Monday is coming up quickly! We are so excited to meet our little girl!

Hope everyone is doing great back home...love ya!

1 comment:

andrea said...