Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Playing blocks with daddy!!

Her first bath with us!

Sweet baby girl!

Her very first smile!

Finally, taking her bottle :)

Made my day that she fell asleep in my arms!

We skyped with whole family from Cinti, Tenn. so they could all see her together!

It's official!!! We have the certificate of Adoption!!

Doing so much better with Mommy today!


Today is Tuesday, June 14 and we had a great day! Jazlyn slept ALL night and never made a peep-12 hrs. straight!! We woke up and had to be in the hotel lobby at 8:45 to go back to the hotel where we were yesterday, where we got Jazlyn. We met with the orphanage director and the local official for an interview and had lots of papers to sign and thumbprint.
Everyone was so sweet and nice. We received the Certificate of Adoption - it is official!!! We gave gifts to all the ladies and they also gave us a book on her city, a photo album of some pics of her in different stages and also one with her caretaker and the caretakers son. We were very thankful, because we were not expecting those pictures. We asked about the bear we had sent her months back, and they said they will try and send it to the hotel to us. I really hope we get it. :) We also got the disposable camera back that we sent in our care package too - excited to see what pictures are on that!

After a busy morning, we came back to the hotel to bond as a family, play together and try to figure out the bottle feeding situation. :-) We first were able to Skype all my family in Tennessee (Corky, Judy, Mammaw and Pappaw) and in Ohio-Wesley's (and our boys), Beebe's and Mom and Dad. Love, love Skype! They were all able to see Jazlyn over the web cam in our arms (even though she was fussy off and on)!! The most precious part was Ian wanted to sing Jazlyn a song so he chose "Jesus love me" and it was so sweet! She stared right at him on the computer the whole time and was so quiet and still just listening to her big brother. :)

We were able to Skype Scott's cousin Leanna and Anthony and also our friend Andrea. It was good to see and talk to peeps back home. If anyone would like to Skype we wouldlove to hear from you...Skype name is...lissajw123. Just don't forget we are 12 hrs. ahead so it gets a little tricky. :-)

She really did so much better with me today holding her and loving on her. We did get her to take a bottle which was a huge, huge blessing cause we were worried about her not getting fluids. I was also able to rock her asleep in my arms for her nap today!!! I was a happy mommy!! Lots more exciting things today...we put her on the floor to play with some of her toys. She played so good and sat for a very long time and that's where she gave us her very first SMILE! Later Scott was playing with her - he was putting toys on his head and letting them fall onto the bed. She gave us the biggest belly laughs. Her laugh is cute and very contagious - it was hilarious! Earlier today, we tried putting her in a highchair at breakfast and she screamed, but we decided to try again tonight at dinner and she cried a little at first, but sat so quiet and and was good while she ate-yeah!! We are really dreading the car seat when we get home! She got her first bath tonight. A few tears, but she did a great, great job. They said she might not like it cause she's not use to such a big tub- she did great! Scott was drying her off and she peed all over his lap-hilarious for me, not so much for him!! :)

We feel so blessed to have gotten a smile, belly laugh, sitting in a high chair, drinking her formula, a bath and lots more lovin' from mommy in just 24 hrs. of getting her in our arms. These sound like such little things, but in the adoption world these are huge steps for babies. We are so thankful! Thanks for ALL prayers. Enjoy the pics....

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