Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We Have Our Referral!

Hello All,

We have some really exciting news to share! We received a call Monday night (the 17th) around 10:30 pm from Karla at our agency. She stated that she was looking at a "chubby cheeked" little girl and wanted to know if we would consider her. She sent her medical profile to us via email to look over and to forward to Dr. Staat at Children's Hospital for her review. She told us she needed to know by Wednesday night if we would accept this referral.

Melissa and I have a tremendous amount of confidence in Dr. Staat and her staff and wanted to get her thoughts on things. We know first hand the excellent care Ian received when we brought him home. We had a conference call with Dr. Staat yesterday afternoon and she was encouraged by the medical profile she saw. She wanted to caution us of the potential problems we might face if we accepted this referral. All in all it was a great conversation!

Melissa and I talked over the phone once our call with Dr. Staat was over. We felt as if God had placed this little girl into our lives for a reason and we were going to accept the referral. We truly believe God will never give us more than we can handle and we would face together whatever problems may arise. Then Melissa and the boys came to the firehouse and we looked at her pictures together for the first time!! She is adorable and definitely has "chubby" cheeks! The boys are excited and were telling us all the things they are going to do for their little sister. We cannot wait to hold her for the first time!!!

Our daughter was found at a park when she was two weeks old by a police officer during a routine patrol. They estimated her date of birth to be March 29, 2010. She weighed around 5 lbs and had a large mass on her lower back/ spine when she was found (the mass was about the size of two fists). It was removed by the doctors in July of last year and everything appears to have gone extremely well. Her name is Li Yao, she is currently 10 months old and has been developing well according to her medical profile. She is eating well and is gaining weight (around 18 lbs now). They stated she "giggles" loudly when the adults play with her. She is not yet crawling, but will jump up and down while being held by her armpits.

Potential problems could include:
  • Inability to use her bladder
  • Inability to have bowel movements
  • Problems walking/ Not able to walk
  • Need for physical therapy (almost a given)
All these depend on what the mass affected prior to being removed. Dr. Staat will run a series of tests once we arrive home with our daughter and we will know more then.

I called Karla around 9:00 pm last night and told her we were going to accept the referral. Karla was really excited for us and is know working on the next leg of the paperwork to get things in motion. She said most likely we will travel in June to bring our daughter home, but the time frame may vary a little. We are trusting in God's perfect timing and we will follow Him as he leads us!!

We hope to have some pictures to post for everyone to see sometime next week. Thank you for all the prayers and words of encouragement! More details to follow as they develop.

God Bless,


andrea said...

oooo God is awesome! I'm so happy for your family! I love reading the part that She likes to giggle..She will love laughing at her Silly brothers!!:)
I Will keep praying daily for her!! Cant wait to See her !!!!!!!

Lauren said...

Williams Family! We are so excited to meet your little girl! It is obvious that God has heard the prayers of your family and many friends. Li Yao - You are about to meet some really neat people who are going to love and take care of you just as they have your sweet brothers. God has truly blessed you with a family that loves Him and each other! Our family will be praying for this journey and the journey that your life will bring. Hugs and kisses precious Li Yao!!
The Brandenburgs (Lauren, Jamie, Kensi and Jack)