Welcome to our Blog! This is how we will be communicating to all our friends and family throughout this exciting adventure of adding to our family once again. This will not be a short process, they're telling us 2 to 3 years before traveling will occur to receive our daughter. While waiting we plan to do some fundraising along the way and would love for you to be involved. Please feel free to sign up below to be a follower of our blog, we are encouraging everyone to do this. Also you can click the link below to sign our guest book and write a comment for our daughter to read someday. Most importantly, please pray for our family, that God will guide us and allow all things to happen according to His perfect timing! Thank you for your support, prayers, and for joining us in our adventure to China...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Watching God Provide

We are so blessed and want to thank everyone who has given us a bottle! Our family, friends, church family and co-workers have given far more than we could have ever expected! We are getting closer and closer to our financial goal and we couldn't do it without all the love, support and prayers from each of you- THANK YOU!!

Back in mid-September we went around to the life groups at our church and introduced the bottle fundraiser Melissa came up with. Since then we have not left church a single Sunday without at least one bottle in hand (usually several). Thank you so much for your love and support Heritage!!

Giving and Gracious Hearts:

We had a couple from our church give us their whole change jar, in which they had been saving for quite a while. They shared with us they didn't know what they were going to do with it, but when they heard our story they wanted us to have it.

We also received a gift of $5,000 from some great friends, which absolutely overwhelmed us! They will never know how much we appreciate their generosity and love.

Another couple from our church shared a story that melted our hearts:

One Sunday afternoon the Robertson Family went to a pumpkin patch and bought some slushy apple cider to drink. The next day their children decided they wanted to go buy some apple cider along with Gatorade and make their own slushies, to sell to make money to put in their China bottles. They went around to their neighbors on their street and took orders for these drinks, and told them they would be delivered on Wednesday. They ended up making about $10 to put in their bottles. We thought this story was awesome and wanted to share it with everyone!

It is truly amazing to us how God continues to provide financially. We are trusting in him and the gauge continues to climb to our financial goal. We are getting closer to bringing our little girl home and cannot wait to share her with you all.

Everyone is truly investing in a life and we are doing what God has commanded us to do. We are so glad we can do this together and that everyone can be apart of this very special journey with us!

God Bless and we will keep you updated as things develop.

Scott and Melissa

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